Keep IRAPs Out of Constitution
TO: ALL LIUNA VICE PRESIDENTS, REGIONAL MANAGERS, DISTRICT COUNCILS, LOCAL UNIONS, AND AFFILIATED TRAINING & APPRENTICESHIP FUNDS IN THE UNITED STATES FROM: General President O’Sullivan DATE: July 8, 2019 RE: Urgent Update – Website and Documents to Act on Industry Recognized Apprenticeship Programs (IRAPs) As announced during the LIUNA Apprenticeship. . . .
read moreAmalgamated Bank – Free Financial Literacy Program
76% of adults live paycheck-to-paychedk and 33% of employees are distracted by their finances at work. The more secure you are in your finances the safer you’ll be on the job site. Gain the knowledge to answer basic questions for yourself and to ask the important questions when working to. . . .
read moreLiUNA! – Video
LIUNA—the Laborers’ International Union of North America—is the most progressive, aggressive and fastest-growing union of construction workers, and one of the most diverse and effective unions representing public service employees. LIUNA members are on the forefront of the construction industry – a sector that is a powerhouse of 12 million. . . .
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